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Choose from below to find instructors around the country:

Instructors name in RED means they are instructors that also include Beginners & Seniors. Classes are held at Senior Centers or Community Centers that are smoke free.

Dancing In Canada - Click Here
USA South Carolina Vermont Connecticut New Hampshire West Virginia Georgia Oklahoma Hawaii Hawaii Florida Alabama South Carolina North Carolina Tennessee Delaware New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire Delaware Maryland New Jersey Virginia Kentucky Ohio Pennsylvania New York Rhode Island Massacheusetts Maine Indiana Michigan Illinois Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Wyoming Montana Idaho Mississippi Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Texas Kansas New Mexico Colorado Utah Arizona Nevada California Oregon Washington Alaska

We currently only have instructors in the USA listed. We do list two sites in Canada that are very helpful. We will expand Canada this year as well as include events for line dancers.
If you are an instructor from the US or abroad and would like to participate in this web page, please send an e-mail to with information on the level you teach at, place(s), time(s), and day/night(s), e-mail address and telephone number (optional)