Description:             1 Wall ? . 64 count. Sequence is: A B A A B B
Level:                        Beginner Level A/B Dance
    Joanne Brady, Hockessin, Delaware (302)239-5914
                     "Walk On By" on Scooter Lee?s "Would You Consider"                                   Album - 134 BPM

    PART A
Forward Shuffles, Rock, and 1/2 Turn Left
1&2    Shuffle fwd L,R,L
3&4 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
5,6    Rock fwd on L, Replace weight to R
7&8 Shuffle L,R,L while make 1/2 turn to L
Forward Shuffles, Rock, 1/2 Turn Right
1&2 Shuffle fwd R,L,R
3&4 Shuffle fwd L,R,L
5,6 Rock fwd on R, Replace weight to L
7&8 Shuffle R,L,R while making 1/2 turn to R
Cross L over R, Sailor Shuffle, Cross R over L, Sailor Shuffle
1,2 Cross L over R, step side on R
3 Left foot steps back at a 45 degree angle, crossing behind the right & Step to the right side with the ball of the right foot. The left foot lifts slightly
4 Left foot steps slightly to the left
5,6 Cross R over L, step side on L
7 Right foot steps back at a 45 degree angle crossing behind the left & Step to the left side with the ball of the left foot. The right foot lifts slightly
8 Right foot steps slightly to the right
Paddle Turn, 1/2 Turn to Right
1 Step L foot fwd turning body 1/8 turn to right
2 Rock R hip (weight shifts to stationary right foot)
3 Step L foot fwd turning 1/8 turn to right best replica watches
4 Rock R hip (weight shifts to stationary right foot)
5 Step L foot fwd turning body 1/8 turn to right
6 Rock R hip (weight shifts to stationary right foot)
7,8 Step L foot in place. Step R foot beside L

    PART B (This section is done to the Chorus which starts "Just Walk on Bye.")
Walk, Walk, Walk, Scuff, 1/4 Turn L, Toe Tap (Fan)
1,2,3 Walk forward L, R, L,
4&5   Scuff R and Hitch while turning 1/4 turn to left (4&), stomp R (5)
6,7,8 Tap (while fanning) R toe R, L, R
Sailor Shuffles, 1/4 Turn Left
1&2 Left sailor shuffle
3&4 Right sailor shuffle
5,6 Rock fwd on L, Replace weight to R
7&8 Shuffle in place L,R,L while making 1/4 turn left

Right & Left Vine
1-2 Step R foot to right, Step L foot behind right
3-4 Step R foot to right, Scuff L foot
5-6 Step L foot to left side, Step R foot behind left
7-8 Step L foot to left, Scuff R foot
Rock Steps & Stomp
1,2 Rock fwd on R, Replace on L
3,4 Rock Back on R, Replace on L
5 Stomp R foot next left
6,7,8 Hold (weight stays on R foot)

Start Dance Again