Online Registration Registration
Form (For
Dancing For The Dream Senior Charity
Bootscooter Line Dance Camp Lubbock, TX September 19-20-21, 2025
Lubbock Federated Area Square & Round Dance Center
2305 - 120th Street (also CR 7330 on street sign)
Lubbock, TX 79423 - Click for Directions ONLY or use Maps
Lead Instructors - Jo Thompson Szymanski, CO * John Robinson, IN
Your Host: Scooter Lee / Music DJ: TBA
Saturday $60 (includes lunch & Dance Booklet)
Full Weekend $75 (Includes Jamborees / Lunch / Dance Booklet / Goodie Bag
Saturday 10am - 4pm Limit 160 includes Lunch and Booklet
Friday Night Jamboree 6:30pm-9:30pm (doors open at 6pm)
Provided: Instruction / Saturday Lunch / Program Booklet / Goodie Bag / Coffee / Tea / Water
Doors Open on Saturday @ 9:30am - Please be on time as workshops start right at 10am
Hotel: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lubbock West
6023 - 45th Street - | Lubbock, TX 79407
Double Queen or King Room $99-$109 plus Tax - Phone: (806) 687-2600
Time is 10am-4pm - Doors open at 9:30am. When
you arrive, you will give your name to the registration table to get your
name tag, goodie bag and program booklet. Coffee / Water plus energy
foods will be available when you arrive. Each person registered has a chance
at winning 2 Tickets for the following year that will enhance their lifestyle.
We do social dancing till 10am when the lessons begin. We do a lesson, then 15 minutes of social dance. Then repeat. We provide a
HEART SMART Box lunch of sandwich, chips and water or coffee.
We also open a 50/50 Raffle at 10am and call the winner at 3pm. Our instructors will be teaching "new and current" dances for
this workshop.
We are NOT mainstream, so our dance levels are for Starters - Beginner
- Experienced (not to be confused with advanced/high impact line dancing)
As we age, we deal with aches & pains, arthritis,
high cholesterol and high blood pressure. High Energy and High Impact dances
only irritate these conditions. For this reason, we stay with good, easy,
fun-to-learn and fun-to-do low impact dances. We add variations for the
more experienced dancer so everyone dances at his/her level. We will include
for this event 2 "New" Mainstream Intermediate Line Dances
that are done at many line dance events and are popular worldwide. |
Instructors are in Bold
Alicia Meade - Albuquerque, NM
Ana Wright - Ruidoso, NM
Andy Carstarphen - Mesquite, TX
Arlene Wuske - Lubbock TX
Avie Bluth - Carlsbad, NM
Carol Jean Bartlett - Lubbock, TX
Carol Martinez - Carlsbad, NM
Christina Kinard - Carlsbad, NM
Constance Dunagan - Carlsbad, NM
Debra Reese - Mesquite, TX
Janet Cooper - Alamogorda, NM
Jayne Murrill - Carlsbad, NM
Jim Ernst - Alamogorda, NM
Joyce Romine - Albuquerque, NM
Judy Stokum - Carlsbad, NM
us with questions or comments.
Karen Work - Carlsbad, NM
Kim Hardin - Amarillo, TX
La Arnie Tise - Albuquerque, NM
Linda "Kay" Atwood - Carlsbad, NM
Margie Bluth - Carlsbad, NM
Marilyn Moore - Carlsbad, NM
Mary Kay Boles - Carlsbad, NM
Nancy Dolenar - Lawton, OK
Nancy Pellow - Edmond, OK
Paula Autry - Carlsbad, NM
Ronna Schelby - Albuquerque, NM
Shirley Bowen - Carlsbad, NM
Susanna Dearsley - Carlsbad, NM