Live Wire

Description: 64-Count 4-Wall Line Dance
Level: Intermediate
Choreographer: Jo Thompson - Dallas, TX; (972) 444-0667 or
Music Suggestion: "Live Wire"   from Scooter Lee's "Moving On Up" CD (start with the lyrics)

Count Steps

Toe Struts R, L Kick, Ball Change, Toe Struts L, R Kick, Ball Change

1-2 Place ball of R foot to R side (1), Drop R heel (2).
3-4 Place ball of L across in front of R (3), Drop L heel (4).
5-6 Place ball of R foot to R side (5), Drop R heel (6).
7&8 Kick forward with L foot (7), Rock back with ball of L (&), Step in place with R (8).
1-8 Repeat above 8 counts to L starting with L foot.

Step, 1/2 Turn L, Step, 1/2 Turn L, Jump Forward, Clap, Back, Clap

1-2 Step forward with R foot (1), Turn 1/2 L shifting weight forward to L foot (2).
3-4 Repeat above 2 counts.
&5-6 Quickly step forward with R foot (&), Step L beside R (5), Clap (6). Replica Watches
&7-8 Quickly step back with R foot (&), Step L beside R (7), Clap (8).

Out, Out, Hold, R Knee In, Hold, 2 Knee Rolls R

&1 Quickly step R out to R side (&), Place L foot out to L side so feet are shoulder width apart (1).
2 Hold.
3-4 Turn R knee in like Elvis (3), Hold (4).
5-8 Circle R knee outward 2 times (2 counts per knee roll).

1/4 Turn R, Shuffle R, Step, 3/4 Turn R, side shuffle L, Rock, Step

1&2 best replica watches Turn 1/4 R, Shuffle forward R, L, R (toward side wall).
3-4 Step forward with L (3), Turn 3/4 R shifting weight forward to R foot (4).
5&6 Shuffle to L side L, R, L (facing front).
7-8 Rock back with R foot (7), Replace weight forward to L foot (8).

Point Side, Cross Front, Point Side, Cross Front, Repeat

1-2 Point R toe to R side (1), Step R foot across in front of L (2).
3-4 Point L toe to L side (3), Step L foot across in front of R (4).
5-8 Repeat above 4 counts.

Rock Forward, Step, 2 Skips Back, Rock Back, Step

1-2 Rock forward with R foot (1), Replace weight back to L foot (2).
3-4 Kick R foot to R side while hopping on L foot (3), Step back with R foot (4).
5-6 Kick L foot to L side while hopping on R foot (5), Step back with L foot (6).
7-8 Rock back with R foot (7), Replace weight forward to L foot (8).

Step, 1/4 Turn, Step, 1/4 Turn, Step, 1/4 Turn, Step, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn

1-2 Step forward with R foot (1), Turn 1/4 L shifting weight to L foot (2).
3-4 Step forward with R foot (3), Turn 1/4 L shifting weight to L foot (4).
5-8 Repeat above 4 counts.
& Turn 1/4 L on L foot to start again with toe struts to the R side.

Start Again From Beginning Of Dance

Scooter Lee Enterprizes Inc.
P.O. Box 941505 - Atlanta, GA  31141   USA
1-800-531-4379    404-634-9547   FAX - 404-634-1726

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